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European Push To Halt Sonar

The European Parliament has called on member nations to suspend the use of high-intensity sonar during naval manoeuvres until research determines whether the very loud sounds are leading to the deaths of whales and other sea creatures.

The non-binding resolution, overwhelmingly adopted by the 25-nation body on Thursday, is believed to be the first instance of a government body anywhere weighing in on the controversial issue. Although the resolution does not require member navies to stop using “active” sonar, it concludes that a growing body of research suggests that the widespread use of loud sonar has caused some whales and other animals to beach themselves.

The resolution also calls on member nations to push NATO and other international alliances to adopt similar moratoriums and to work towards developing alternative technologies.

In recent years mass whale strandings have followed naval sonar manoeuvres in Greece, the Virgin Islands, the Bahamas and the Canary Islands.

The US Navy and many others use loud “active” sonar to detect submarines. While the US Navy has acknowledged that its sonar played a central role in the stranding of 17 whales in the Bahamas in 2000, it says that sonar can be used safely and has been unfairly linked to other whale strandings.

Recent strandings suspected to have been caused by sonar have all involved the older mid-frequency variety.

The US Navy and others are also developing more powerful low-frequency sonar that can travel hundreds of kilometres under water, and which some environmentalists believe will be more hazardous than the mid-frequency sonar now used.

Pentagon officials say the low-frequency sonar – which has been the subject of protracted litigation – is needed to meet the future threat of low-technology submarines in crowded coastal waters.

The European Parliament passed the moratorium resolution with 441 votes in favour, 15 against, and 14 abstentions.

“This is a global problem that must be solved through international co-operation,” said Frederick O’Regan, president of the International Fund for Animals. “The resolution … is a significant step towards that goal.”

In July the International Whaling Commission found “compelling evidence” that high-intensity sonar was harming whales and leading to some mass strandings.

The Washington Post

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