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World Wine & Spirits Expo in South Florida

The Wine & Spirits Expo of the Americas is an international celebration of the wines, spirits, foods and cultures of the Americas. It is designed for you ヨ the people of South Florida ヨ as a means to celebrate your cultures and learn about others. Unlike any other event in the area, the Expo provides an entertaining and educational look at the beverages and foods from the Americas and around the world. Over 150 international and domestic wineries, spirit producers and gourmet food manufacturers will provide samples for you to enjoy.

But thatメs not allナthe Expo is timed perfectly for the holiday season with several gift buying opportunities available to help you get a jump on your holiday shopping.

The Expo also offers Celebrity Chef Demonstrations, seminars for the novice and the connoisseur, an Entertainment Stage and Restaurant Row featuring the most outstanding international restaurants in South Florida.

  • Taste The Wines & Spirits Of The World

  • Visit over 150 wine and spirit producers in a single afternoon.

  • Sample over 600 products from around the world.

  • Speak directly to winemakers and other winery principals who will pour for you.

  • Pick up tips on serving, pricing and selecting the right vintage as well as mixing the perfect cocktail.

Watch Celebrity Chefs In Action

See top international chefs prepare their finest cuisine in front of your very eyes during continuous Celebrity Chef Demonstrations.

Enjoy foods from popular restaurants and other suppliers offering samples to accompany the wines you taste at the Expo by visiting Restaurant Row.

Satisfy Your Thirst For Knowledge

Learn from the experts at a wide range of seminars designed for all levels of wine and spirits lovers.

Have Fun!

Enjoy the music of some of the hottest performers in the business taking center stage throughout the weekend on the Entertainment Stage.

Learn how to mix the perfect cocktail and how to choose the right tequila during special demonstrations taking place on the Entertainment Stage.

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