An angry winter resident vowed yesterday he would ride a waterbike to Grand Bahama before ever flying Bahamasair again after his most recent experience.
Niels Lausten, a resident of South Florida who visits The Bahamas every year with his family, said that this is the second time the airline has lost or had his luggage delayed.
Mr. Lausten told The Freeport News that last year his bags were missing for four days. He explained that when people go on vacation and can’t get their luggage, they can’t enjoy themselves because they can’t go anywhere.
“We are a big family and for four days we had no change of clothes to wear,” he said. “We were bringing over food items and all the meats were spoiled and the luggage was ruined.”
The American visitor said that after that experience he wrote a letter to the airline expressing his displeasure with the service and was given three vouchers for his troubles.
“When we were ready to go this year, I called Bahamasair and made reservations. I told them that eight people were travelling and that I had three vouchers and they told me, ‘No you can’t use them.’ I said what do you mean, I only got these because of the bad experience I had last year,” he said.
After some strenuous effort, Mr. Lausten said he was able to use the vouchers and he and his family were happy again; well, for a while anyway.
“Now we come over and no luggage again,” said an outraged Mr. Lausten. “Give me a break. I can understand it happening every blue moon, but not as often as it does.”
The disgruntled visitor said that he lived in The Bahamas for 10 years before moving back to Florida.
“I used Bahamasair a lot and now I only come over once a year,” he said. “I bring the whole family and we come over to have a good time not to waste time.”
Mr. Lausten said that he and his family were on a trip to Canada recently and on their way home half of their luggage accidentally went to Los Angeles, but it arrived in Miami before the people did.
“Things happen and something may go wrong sometimes I know, but don’t tell me something went wrong in 50 miles,” he said.
This time the luggage delay was only for one day, but the room where he collected his bags was filled to capacity with other bags that were lost.
Mr. Lausten went on to say that when he went to collect their bags yesterday, he spoke with one of the luggage handlers who told him that his experience isn’t out of the ordinary.
“From what he said, it seems to be an everyday thing with Bahamasair,” Mr. Lausten said, adding, ‘”Well, it doesn’t matter to me anymore because I would ride a waterbike before I fly Bahamasair again, but I just don’t want to see this happening to other people.”
The Freeport News contacted Bahamasair services, but we were told that no one was available and there was “no comment.”
However, in a letter of apology to Mr. Lausten dated February 28, 2005, the airline stated that when it is determined that there has been a failure in their system, corrective action is taken to ensure that these failures do not recur.
“We trust you will use our service in the future and afford us the opportunity to redeem ourselves. We will continue to strive to meet your expectations and to achieve our goal of serving you with pride and care,” the letter stated.
By ANGELO ARMBRISTER, Freeport News Reporter