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Airport Plagued By Long Lines All Weekend

According to reports, much of the delays were due to the installation of the six new CTX security screening machines at the airport. It also was speculated that the radar system at NIA might have malfunctioned again. However, this claim could not be confirmed up to press time.

This new baggage scanning system, that scans checked-in luggage for explosives, tests every bag that goes into the holding compartment on flights leaving NIA.

The scanner utilizes a swab, or piece of cloth, being rubbed over a bag at points where its owner or a handler would have touched it. Taking about seven seconds, the swab is then tested for every known explosive.

Sources at NIA said that flights were delayed up to 45 minutes before aircraft were given permission to taxi out onto the tarmac. And it was claimed that when there, it was another half an hour wait before a flight was given the green light to take off.

Bahamasair also reported a number of setbacks over the weekend as it was operating with only one jet to service its Miami/Fort Lauderdale route up until 3pm yesterday.

The airline was forced to utilize a number of Dash 8’s to make up for the loss of capacity with the “new jets” that were sidelined because of overdue inspections or oil leaks.

One jet, the C6 BFM had its oil leak repaired shortly after 3pm yesterday and was pushed back into schedule to help the Dash 8 fleet cope with the Miami/Fort Lauderdale routes.

However, this also had already created another problem as the duty times for the Dash 8 pilots was being stretched.

The pilots are flying on duty up to 19 hours, and one pilot was actually suspended for exceeding his flying quota.

By PAUL G TURNQUEST Tribune Staff Reporter

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