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Desperate Bozine Town Residents Fight For Their Land

In the continuing fight to save their land, residents of Bozine Town threw rocks and stones at an operator of a tractor apparently doing clearing work in parts of the area yesterday.

It is believed that at least one person may have been arrested before police managed to restore order, according to- a member of the steering committee, formed to save the area.

This is the latest event in a series since the beginning of the highly publicised land row between residents and The Harrold Road Land Company. The dispute essentially began in October 2004 when residents received letters from Lockhart and Munroe law firm informing them that their client, Harrold Road Land Company, had been granted certificates of title to property between Bozine Town and Harrold Road. Residents were initially given 30 days to either buy the land or vacate.

However, the residents vowed to fight back, organising a steering committee, staging demonstrations and raising funds to secure legal counsel.

After a demonstration by hundreds of Bozine Town residents in February, 2005 the Attorney General’s office was summoned as a neutral party to review and determine the legality of the claims made by both sides.

Since the initial notice, they have had a number of extensions and the matter has been before the courts for several months.

By CARA BRENNEN Tribune Staff Reporter

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