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Nassau Guardian Slanders Justice Crusader

An investigation has been launched into the incident surrounding Attorney General (AG) Alfred Sears and a crazed German national.

AG Sears, who doubles as Minister of Education, said since the “frightening” incident, he has contacted the relevant agencies in a bid to ensure that none of his colleagues are subjected to such a heinous act.

“I have spoken with the relevant agencies and I will continue those conversations, so that we can ensure we secure the various proceedings and persons who may be subject to those kind of approaches.”

Harald Furhmann, the walking “Boycott The Bahamas” billboard, approached Minister Sears in the middle of the ceremony to mark the start of the legal year with a suspicious package and tried to engage the AG in conversation while, he prayed.

But Minister Sears maintained his cool, and ignored the potential threat. The police were alerted and Mr Furhmann was escorted off the premises.

“I didn’t know what was in the package,” he said. “From his appearance and his manner, he had appeared to be threatening and it was an awkward situation because I didn’t know if it was a bomb.”

Since the incident, there has been much talk about how Mr Furhmann was even allowed to enter the building carrying a suspicious-looking package. For some, it all boiled down to the colour of his skin. However, Minister Sears said he is uncertain if race played a factor in the incident but later admitted that the thought had crossed his mind. “I have to confess that it is a question that I have asked because it ought to have not happened,” Minister Sears said.

“Why would a man who, from his appearance was not an active participant in the ceremony where you have the Commissioner of Police, the Chief Justice, the President of the Court of Appeal, the Supreme Court, all of our magistrates, and about 50 per cent of the Bar Association, we also had the charges d’ affairs of the United States Embassy, sitting directly behind me. You also had the Arch-Bishop of the Anglican Church and I think it was rather extraordinary, that someone carrying a package was allowed into the church and of course, once I receive a report, that question will be answered.”

Minister Sears added that the incident ought to be a wake up call to The Bahamas. “We have to take the security of our country very seriously,” he said.

“We have to be more alert because we cannot afford one act, because of the negative publicity that could impact our tourism and our financial services.”

By IANTHIA SMITH, Guardian Staff Reporter

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