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Police Warn About Criminal Groups

There continues to be major challenges as it relates to repeat offenders who are on bail or ex-convicts committing crimes, according to police officials.

Police reported on Monday that there were at least three groups that emerged last June who committed armed robberies at homes and business places across New Providence.

“Strategies implemented by the uniform and detective units soon identified these groups and a number of persons were arrested and charged before the courts. However, there remains other cells from these groups that continue to commit armed robberies across New Providence,” Superintendent Glen Miller said.

He said notable trends were: stolen vehicles being used as get-away vehicles; persons being targeted at their residence; cell phone establishments being robbed; cell cards and phones taken; business places (restaurant) being robbed and customers cell phones and jewelries taken.

Addressing the same press conference on Monday, Commissioner of Police Paul Farquharson said, “While we cannot have a perfect environment, it is our intention to make it increasingly difficult for crime and criminals to tamper with our number one income generator.”

The commissioner said the police force will move forward with a more focused approach.

“It is my commitment to you the business people to work even closer with you during this year and beyond,” he said.

“Similarly, I wish to encourage you to take every lawful step to ensure that you are not a victim of random crimes. Be on the alert at all times and report any and every suspicious activity that comes to your attention.”

From: The Bahama Journal

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