Unwelcome Visitor.
0ver the past several years German national Harald Furhman has repeatedly shown his disdain for the Bahamian judicial system in particular and The Bahamas generally. He has been the subject of numerous newspaper stories voicing his criticisms and has started an international public relations campaign to discourage potential visitors and investors from coming to this country.
If ever there was an individual who should be stopped at the borders by Immigration and not allowed into The Bahamas, that individual is Harald Furhman. Because if his antics outside the country are not enough, the manner in which he approached and tried to engage Attorney General Alfred Sears at a church service on Wednesday, clearly indicates that he could become a security risk to Bahamian public officials.
By his own admission Minister Sears “felt threatened” by Mr Furhman’s “inappropriate dress” for the occasion and his insistence on trying to get the minister to take a package from him, which could have turned out to be something deadly.
Regardless of how Mr Furhman may feel that he was badly treated by one Bahamian lawyer, or several, that does not give him the right to attempt to hold this entire nation to ransom. In what other country can he get away with it? The time has surely come for the authorities to take appropriate action in his regard.
Editorial from The Nassau Guardian
Nassau, Bahamas