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Attack on Foreign Cruise Ship Crew

According to reports, crew members of the MV Casino Royale, moored at Lucayan Harbour, were walking from the Pinder’s Point area back to the ship around 11pm when two masked men armed with a shotgun appeared from the bushes.

The gunmen demanded cash, but the sailors refused to give in to their demands. Several shots were fired into the air. Then there. was a struggle between the masked men and the sailors.

During the struggle, a 62-year-old sailor was seriously injured after being thrown to the ground and beaten about the body. The man was taken to Rand Memorial Hospital for medical attention.

Police have arrested three suspects, aged 28, 33 and 42 years. They also retrieved a weapon, which was reported stolen during an alleged housebreaking.

The men are assisting with inquiries and are expected to appear before the court to face formal charges on Monday.

By DENISE MAYCOCK Tribune Freeport Reporter

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