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Bahamas to Host 29th Annual CTO Conference

The Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO) and the Bahamas Ministry of Tourism have announced that the 29th Annual Caribbean Tourism Conference (CTC-29), will take place in the Islands Of The Bahamas in October 2006. A series of business meetings, involving Ministers and Commissioners of Tourism, the Board of Directors and various CTO committees will immediately precede the conference.

The conference is the Caribbean regionᄡs premier caucus of tourism decision-makers, and an important event on the calendar of tourism practitioners and individuals doing business with the Caribbean.

This year, CTO and the Bahamas Ministry of Tourism expect to host over 600 tourism industry officials representing Caribbean governments, hotels, airlines, cruise lines, travel agents, tour operators, strategic partners and media representatives from around the world.

“We look forward to returning to the Islands of the Bahamas for our annual Caribbean Tourism Conference and anticipate that together with the Bahamas Ministry of Tourism we will create a program that our delegates will find to be innovative and inspiring,” said Vincent Vanderpool-Wallace, CTO’s Secretary General. “One very popular addition to CTC in recent times is the awarding of continuing education credits for Master Classes taken at the conference. That program in conjunction with George Washington University will again be instituted at CTC-29,” Vanderpool-Wallace added.

Theodore Koumelis

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