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Bozine Town Still In Limbo

Bozine Town residents are reportedly in limbo as they wait for a Supreme Court ruling, which would determine the owners of the 148 acres of land that they had been living on for decades.

Harrold Road Land Development Company (LANDCO) confronted the residents nearly two years ago, claiming that the Supreme Court granted it a certificate of title to the land. After many months of legal wrangling between the two sides, the certificate of title matter was heard in the Supreme on January 9. However, Justice Jeanne Thompson has yet to deliver a ruling.

Spokesperson for the six-member Bozine Town Steering Committee, Tyrone Brown told The Guardian Tuesday: “We are continuing to wait on the Supreme Court ruling. It has been six weeks now and I understand that a decision could be made this week or next week.”

Meantime the Committee has been fighting a company, which it blames for clearing and excavating land in the area. Since the title issue is before the court, it is illegal for any company to attempt to remove soil or develop the land. Attorney for the residents, Milton Evans said he was assured by LANDCO that it was not responsible for the clearing and excavation.

The Committee hinted at demonstrating in Rawson Square in the middle of this month to protest the excavation, but no such demonstration has taken place. Asked if the protest was still planned, Mr Brown said, “No, we are on hold now pending the result of the court ruling.”

He was also confident of a “victory” from the court, saying, “I can’t see how the court will rule against us because we’ve had our title deeds for 40, 50, and one gentleman for 57 years. I’ve had my title for 47 years.”

By: MINDELL SMALL, The Nassau Guardian

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