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Cabinet Shuffle: Too Little, Too Late

Prime Minister Perry Christie last evening announced several major (sic) adjustments to his cabinet in addition to giving a ministerial position to Senator BJ Nottage.

Dr Nottage, the former leader of the Coalition for Democratic Reform, rejoined the Progressive Liberal Party at the PLP convention last year.

He will now replace Senator Dr Marcus Bethel as Minister of Health with the added responsibility of National Insurance.

“This is a position for which he is ideally suited. He has had a long and illustrious career in the practice of medicine during the course of which he has developed a profound understanding of the complex challenges that face the delivery of health care in our nation today,” Mr Christie said.

The prime minister said the combined portfolio of National Insurance and Health will also extend to National Health Insurance, “which my government is determined to introduce as soon as practicable in a form that will ensure its long-term sustain ability.”

Dr Bethel will now have responsibility for Energy and the Environment.

Mr Christie said this will include responsibility for BEC and relations with the petroleum industry. Dr Bethel also will be responsible for the development of a national energy policy incorporating traditional sources of energy and renewable energy alternatives as well. “In addition, Dr Bethel will now assume responsibility for what promises to be the single most important physical change in our city, namely, the redevelopment of downtown into a world-class location befitting our status as the tourism leader in the region. Part and parcel of this redevelopment will be the relocation of our commercial port to the southwestern end of the island,” the prime minister said.

The task of providing affordable housing to Bahamians will now be spearheaded by Neville Wisdom, who adds housing to his portfolio of Youth and Sports.

“Mr Wisdom has brought a great deal of energy and resourcefulness to his duties as Youth and Sports Minister. He will continue to do; of that I have no doubt, but in addition he will now bring the same strengths and talents that I have mentioned to the critically important housing matters that I have added to his portfolio,” said Mr Christie.

The nation’s cultural affairs; which Mr Wisdom previously had responsibility for will now fall under the Office of the Prime Minister. Mr Christie also assumes responsibility for Bahamasair and the Urban Renewal programme.

Mr Christie noted that the former Minister of Housing, Shane Gibson, has done a “tremendous job”. However, he said, he feels he is ready for a larger challenge as Minister of Immigration, Labour and Training.

“Mr Gibson’s primary mandate, however, must necessarily be the aggressive and unrelenting enforcement of our Immigration laws. He is a tough, no-nonsense, get-the-jobdone individual who will, I am sure, prove himself equal to the weighty challenges that I have now given him,” said the prime minister.

Vincent Peet is to become the Minister of Financial Services and Investments.

“Of central importance to Mr Peet’s new ministerial portfolio will be the new Domestic Investments Board that was foreshadowed in last week’s Speech from the Throne. This will be designed to accelerate the empowerment of Bahamians as entrepreneurs and equity owners in the Bahamian economy.”

Allyson Maynard Gibson is the country’s new Attorney General and is now charged with the task of making the Departments of Legal Affairs and Public Prosecutions, and the entire judicial system, more responsive to the everincreasing caseloads they carry, Mr Christie said.

Alfred Gray retains responsibility for Local Government, but will now also head Consumer Affairs. Leslie Miller now takes over the new Ministry of Agriculture and Marine Resources.

“Mr Miller is a true believer when it comes to having faith and confidence in the ability of Bahamians to excel in what we often patronisingly refer to as our secondary industries. He proved this when he acted as a pioneering trailblazer in the private sector for the local manufacturing industry and, more recently, as a tireless champion in the public sector for the same local interests,” said the prime minister Social Services Minister Melanie Griffin, Transport Minister Glenys Hanna Martin, Works Minister Bradley Roberts will resume their duties as will the Deputy Prime Minister Cynthia Pratt as Minister of National Security. Education Minister Alfred Sears will now focus solely on the education portfolio.

“I am proud of the performance of all my other ministers. They are, without exception, dedicated, hardworking men and women of tremendous talent and ability who continue to give the very best,” said Mr Christie.

In summary, the new ministerial line-up will be as follows:

Perry Christie – Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, with responsibility for Bahamasair, the Urban Renewal Programme, and the Department of Culture which will include the National Cultural Commission, the Antiquities, Museums and Monuments Corporation and the Clifton Heritage Authority.

Cynthia Pratt – Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of National Security.

Bradley Roberts – Minister of Works and Utilities.

Vincent Peet – Minister of Financial Services and Investments, with responsibility for the Domestic Investments Board, and trade and industry with the exception of multi-lateral trade relations.

Obie Wilchcombe – Minister of Tourism, with radio and television broadcasting and relations with. the Broadcasting Corporation of the Bahamas.

Fred Mitchell – Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Public Service, with responsibility for multilateral trade relations.

– Alfred M Sears – Minister of Education, Science and Technology.

Leslie Miller – Minister of Agriculture and Marine Resources.

V Alfred Gray – Minister of Local Government and Consumer Affairs.

Neville W Wisdom – Minister of Youth, Sports and Housing.

Melanie S Griffin – Minister of Social Services and Community Development.

Glenys Hanna-Martin – Minister of Transport and Aviation.

Allyson Maynard-Gibson – Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, with responsibility for the Registrar General’s Department.

Shane Gibson – Minister of Immigration, Labour and Training.

Senator Dr Marcus Bethel – Minister of Energy and the Environment, with responsibility for BEC, the petroleum industry, the department of Environmental Services, and the renovation of downtown Nassau.

Senator James Smith – Minister of State for Finance.

Senator Dr B J Nottage – Minister of Health and National Insurance, with responsibility for the National Insurance programme.

The Tribune – Nassau, Bahamas

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