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Greedy Residents Want San Salvador Treasure

Gold fever in San Salvador, has reached new heights with residents fearing that the much debated buried treasure, reportedly of pirate Henry Morgan, is being smuggled off the island.

According to several source on the island, a vessel is frequently seen anchored off the Sandy point settlement, just south of Fortune Hill, where the treasure is reported to be.

What started as mere speculation about the possibility of the treasure being smuggled out of the country has reached outright paranoia levels.

Some residents have already begun making frequent trips to the site “to keep an eye out” for possible underhanded actions, and keeping up constant contact with residents living nearby.

The hope is to create some form of “information system” where any suspicious activity can be halted “at a moment’s notice” before anything is removed from the site.

The Watlings Archeological Company has already cleared a large plot of land that is being contested by a number of families laying claim to the property.

On Tuesday, reporters who visited the site were greeted by five – security personnel clad in US Army fatigues who said that they were hired by a “private firm” but would not give out any more information.

By PAUL G TURNQUEST Tribune Staff Reporter

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