I do not know whether callers to talk shows said anything of interest about the outburst in the House of Assembly by the current leader, but there were other Bahamians who were appalled and offended as was I at the lack of courtesy extended towards the Leader of Opposition and Deputy Leader by this individual.
When he began his tirade that he had never seen or heard of the absence of the Opposition party at the ceremonial opening of Parliament, I recalled from my own memory what the PLP had done while in Opposition, and I felt that this man must be “joking”. It is a pity that his listeners did not have the knowledge of the antics carried out by the PLP while in Opposition. How dare this man speak so disparagingly about FNMs.
Thanks to the FNM government, there is stability in the banking industry through their work in cleaning out the rogue banks.
Yet this same leader in weeks prior to the last election urged Bahamians to vote against the FNM party because of the closure of some of these very same banks!
During its tenure, the FNM government was instrumental in securing investments which provided jobs for thousands of Bahamians, and at the time of the election was moving full speed ahead in attracting reputable investors to the various islands. No one in his right mind thought that Bahamians would turn their backs on such a robust economy. Yet the opposing party, PLP, told Bahamians that the FNM government was “selling out” the country. Therefore voters should vote the FNM out of office. I ask Bahamians what has this government been bragging about since they came to office? That’s right. They continued the FNM policies and claimed them as their own. Of course, there are other programmes carried out by the FNM government. but I will not go into those at this time.
When will Bahamians realize that the(se) abusers of power will do and say anything to retain power? They told tall tales before to gain votes, and they now seem not to be familiar with the truth.
What is annoying is the audacious dictatorial manner in which the leader spoke. Doesn’t he respect the fact that the FNM party represents about half of the Bahamian electorate? He should keep this in mind and hold his “temper” in check.
For he not only offends the MPs concerned, but he has also offended the Bahamians whom they represent. He therefore owes all of us an apology for his abusive remarks.
By a SHIRLEA VOTER – Nassau, Bahamas