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Port Expansion For Cruise Ships?

Port Chief Captain Anthony Allens revealed that plans to expand Prince George Warf in a bid to alleviate massive overcrowding of cruise ships, are being discussed.

In an interview with The Nassau Guardian, Captain Allens said the plans would also determine whether the Nassau port could be expanded to hold larger model cruise liners.

“Currently, I think we are at the maximum capacity with the ships afloat now,” said Captain Allens. “We understand that just about every month, there is a new build coming out. The [larger] ships will not be able to be accommodated in the port of Nassau at this time.

“However, we are currently in consultation with The Ministry of Works [and] having an environmental assessment done for the proposed expansion of the Port of Nassau,” he continued. “Once that is completed, we will be in a better position to determine whether or not we are able to accommodate the new builds that are coming on stream.

Captain Allens insisted that authorities have taken into consideration the measurements of larger ships in development.

“What we have done is [obtained] the current sizes of the new builds expected and with that information, we’re looking at how much we can expand the facilities here,” he explained.

But he added that The Port Authority will have to draw the line somewhere.

“At some point in time, a position will have to be taken that no matter how much ships expand in the future, the Port of Nassau will only be able to accommodate a certain size ship and we will soon be coming to that position,” he said.

“Obviously, we do not like turning away cruise ships,” he continued. “When we have to turn away ships, it is less money for the port itself, vendors who work in the port area, taxi drivers and the list goes on. So what we want to do, is [to] ensure that we can accompany as many ships as possible.”

The largest cruise ship to ever be built, will come on stream in just three years. Royal Caribbean recently announced its Project Genesis. It is the latest step in the industry’s trend of ships.

The cruise liner will measure in at more than 1,200 ft long and 100 ft wide. The $1.24 billion vessel will hold up to 6,400 passengers and include a shopping mall, casino, ice skating rink, theatres and golf course.

The Nassau Guardian

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