According to a release from the embassy, the new system will help potential applicants get the information they need to prepare application materials and will eliminate the need for applicants to stand in long lines while waiting for a visa interview.
“Beginning February 22, 2006, all potential non-immigrant visa applicants must first contact the embassy’s Visa Information Service before coming to the embassy in Nassau.
“The service, based on similar models operating today in more than 25 countries across Europe, Latin America and Asia, provides timely and accurate information to the public regarding how to apply for a visa to visit the United States,” said the release.
The embassy said callers to the Visa Information Service will be able to speak to operators who can provide information on the visa application process and its requirements, and will also be able to schedule an appointment for their visa interview, “working with the operator to find the mostconvenient time for an appointment”.
The Visa Information Service will start accepting calls for appointments on February 16.
US Ambassador John Rood said: “This new system will give applicants a guaranteed date and time for a visa interview. The certainty of having a confirmed appointment will help everyone, but it will be particularly useful for applicants from the Family Islands and the Turks and Caicos: Right now they must travel to Nassau without knowing exactly when they’ll be able to get in. That won’t be the case anymore.
“Since our workflow will be spread more evenly through the day and applicants will know exactly what documents they need to bring, we expect we’ll be able to get people in and out in under one hour. That’s a better system for us and for the travelling public,” he said.
Potential applicants will need to get a Personal Identification Number (PIN) before placing a call. A PIN can be bought at a local distribution center, where instructions will also be received on how to place a call to the Visa Information Service.
A list of PIN distribution centers is available at, the embassy said.
Source: The Tribune