Internationally known media personality, Jay Michaels, is taking his talent and his select group of superstar friends in the entertainment industry to create a new program called, “Rewind the Rhythm.”
The creation came about when Jay was going through volumes of music that he has collected over the years from major artists, who sadly through today’s tight programming lists, just don’t get airplay. Also, there are many artists who have recorded great songs and unfortunately the average audience will only hear one or two songs from this artist.
Jay Michaels has made a personal vow to all of his industry friends to give this music a “rebirth” if you will. Also, instead of trying to buck the system here in the U.S., Jay has found that his broadcast friends he has made in the Bahamas to be more open to try something different. Fred Ferguson, the Entertainment Consultant for the Bahamas Ministry of Tourism, echoes Jay’s feelings about traditional Bahamian music as well and “Rewind the Rhythm” will hopefully pave the way for a clone program featuring Bahamian artists as well.
Jay Michaels has already sparked sincere interest from major sponsors in the U.S. who have a Bahamian connection as well as several Bahamian sponsors who support Jay and his efforts.
At this writing Jay Michaels is in the studio and negotiation is underway with the sponsors and a leading media outlet for the premiere program. The program will also be offered via the Internet and through podcasts on the Bahamas Information Network made available through the Bahamas Buzz and Vegas Buzz (
Long time associate and business partner of Jay Michaels, Jim Wilson said recently, “Jay’s vision to do a program of this kind is not based on a “whim” but on years of working in the media and having befriended so many of the artists who wrote the book on popular music.” “Jay also has told me that he made a promise to his dear late friend, legendary producer, Tom Dowd, to keep the music alive that this talented individual has created for the world and just doesn’t get to hear anymore.”
Eventually, “Rewind the Rhythm” will be taken to television as well. The release date for “Rewind the Rhythm” is undetermined so stay tuned for more.