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Stage Play To Tackle Incest, Sexual And Physical Abuse

The controversial issues of incest, sexual and physical abuse will take centre stage for the first time at the Regency Theatre, where the play, ‘In His Hands’, inspired by the real life autobiography of a Bahamian woman, premieres on Wednesday.

The play, written by Bahamian playwright Arthur Jones, is based on the book ‘Breaking the Silence’ by Grand Bahama businesswoman Gwen Rolle, who was a victim of incest as a child.

Psychologist Dr Jean Turnquest of The Grand Bahama Crisis Centre said the organisation is sponsoring Wednesday’s gala night opening beginning with cocktails from 7pm to 8pm.

The play also will be staged on March 30, 31, and April 1 at 8pm by the Grand Bahama Players under the direction of Eisenhower Williams.

Although there are no true statistics available in Grand Bahama, Dr Turnquest said that incest and sexual abuse is a “big problem” in Bahamian society.

“We continue to be in denial and not be to aware that such abuse does occur and we heed to be reminded that it does occur.”

“We need to be aware as adults and as parents that it does occur and continue to protect our children. Whenever abuse occurs it’s because somebody was not protecting the kids as they should have been protected.”

Dr Turnquest said every family is touched by abuse in some way and each family needs to be aware of it.

Ms Gwen Rolle, a survivor of child sexual and physical abuse, will be on hand to sign copies of her book, ‘Breaking the Silence’.

She hopes that her traumatic story of abuse portrayed in the play and in her book will help, not only victims of abuse to overcome the pain and find forgiveness in their hearts, but also make parents aware of the warning signs of abuse.

“We need more people to come forward who are able to be transparent about the issue.

There are a lot of victims who are not able to get over the pain and move on with their lives.”

“I remember the confrontation with my father and how he was so pleased when I really got the guts to confront him because he was hurting too.

“And, as I watched rehearsals there are moments when it still hurts, but I know that the cause is much greater than the pain. I made a choice to use this avenue to reach out to people – it is a message of healing, strength, forgiveness and taking control of your life.”

“You have to keep fighting every day mentally and it has given me great joy that I have overcome.” Despite the difficulties she faced, Ms Turnquest said that Ms Rolle was able to overcome the pain and has made great efforts to have a productive life. She commended her for bravely sharing in her autobiography an intimate look at her life and struggles.

“Gwen has dramatically demonstrated that victims of abuse are not responsible for their abuse and that a victim can have a productive life after abuse,” she said.

Mr Jones believes that the play `In His Hands’ probably has the most beneficial messages than any play that has been performed at the Regency Theatre in the last 20 years.

He was very disappointed that the Bahamas Plays and Films Board gave it an adult only ‘C’ rating.

“I was disappointed because there is a definite need for young people to be aware of how abuse happens and why it happens. I feel that the play should have been given a ‘PG’ rating rather than a ‘C’.

“It was given a ‘C’ because of the contents and when I submitted the script to the committee I suggested to them advise whatever they would want me to do to make it acceptable to children, but they didn’t and they just gave it a ‘C’ rating.

By DENISE MAYCOCK Tribune Freeport Reporter

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