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Too Many Laywers or Too Many Crooks?

I wish there was something outstanding – politically speaking – that I could offer a critique on, but alas, politicians and their minions are acting the way they always have, and by all indications, the way they always will.

The recent Cabinet shuffle, while there wasn’t anything earth shattering about it, did produce one item that caught my eye. Actually that item has been on my mind for some time now, and I had intended to write concerning it, and now the final prompting has come from the re-appointments in the Christie Cabinet.

While we (the people) would hope that Cabinet level positions will always be filled by the most qualified persons for their respective posts, there is one position that will always be able to be filled by just about any member of any sitting Bahamian government.

The position to which I refer, is that of Attorney General. And the reason that this position will always be relatively easily filled, is because there has never been, there is not now, nor will there ever be, apparently, a shortage of lawyers in politics in this country. Actually, there will never be a shortage of lawyers in the Bahamas, period.

I have been mulling over a question for some time now. The question: Is there really enough legal goings on in this country to employ all of the lawyers in this country? It seems that fortune has smiled on a great many Bahamians in that they are able to afford to send their kids to institutions of higher learning all over the world, with a definite view to them becoming “respectable” members of society.

There’s nothing wrong with that, but it still begs my question, as there seems to be a definite imbalance of career choices for Bahamians, the greater number of them seeking law degrees.

Now obviously there will be those who read this letter who will say – “Yeah, but you’ll be glad for all these lawyers when you need one”. Absolutely! However, I am still just a bit nervous that so many people who are trained in the manipulation of the law, are also our political leaders.

It would seem that if any were so inclined that they have a distinct advantage in being able to “line their own pockets”, and to cover their own a-es, PLP and FNM alike. And besides that, these are people who have risen to loftier positions in life, and I wonder how concerned they really are about us bottom feeders.

Just a thought.


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