I am a Bahamian who is as fed up with the policies of this government as I was of the last administration. It is thirty-three years since independence and we as a people are more dependent today than ever before (we can’t even feed ourselves, more than 80 per cent of our food is imported).
On all fronts of our development we have allowed the wrong people to seize power and claim this as God’s holy work but as the bible says: “By their fruits ye shall know them.”
The politicians have rewarded mediocrity, and political loyalty and at the same time ostracised any talent that was not in awe of them. One need only look at the appointment to the boards of this country to see the same recycled faces whom no one elected to power. The political atmosphere has created an insatiable thirst for mammon, corruption is everywhere. Is this country really better off than it was five or 10 or even 30 years ago?
We have elected into power people with no vision for the future of this nation. We are now again poised to elect another government to run this country for the next five years. If we are left only to decide between the PLP and FNM, then we’d have no real choices. There is no leader among them with a vision or plan they actually intend to carry out. They are only interested in holding power, collecting perks and passing on the responsibility of governing with one excuse after the other. If Bahamians really think about the future of this country they could not possibly endorse either of these parties.
Yes, they will promise you the sky before the election and before the celebration dust is settled the voters will be back to their sorry lives complaining about the same old issues of illegal immigration, crime, poor education results. Nothing would have changed. The victor would have got what he wanted, licences to waste the public purse for five more years uninterrupted and the loser defeated and demotivated to fight on – because it was never about the issues only about winning to control the’ purse and power.
Are we truly happy with the direction this country seems headed in? Do you believe that large tracks of land sold to foreign investors for the building of hundreds or thousands of luxury homes for the rich and famous is the economic solution far this country? Are our sons and daughters to be doomed to jobs as servants forever? There is so much wasted potential here never given an opportunity to excel, mired down in cronyism.
Is gambling to be the solution to fund raising for government projects? Or is the answer to increase the tax burden on Bahamians? Where are all the rational and godly men and women who are to take a stand now and save this country? Who are we waiting for? Why do we allow men and women of less virtue than ourselves, who see no wrong with homosexuality, abortion, adultery, or wasting the public purse to lead us? Where do you think they will take us? For far too long talented Bahamians with good sense and skills have stood by and done nothing but endorse one bad governrnent after the other, knowing we are on the wrong path – a path of self destruction.
For too long, we have sat by and accepted and given excuses for everything we know is wrong, pass off evil for good and wrong for right.
We have a crime problem now, are we going to add the ills of gambling to this too? We call ourselves Christian but when are we going to stand for Christ? Let’s stop the slide into a den of iniquity and start standing for what in our hearts we know is the right thing. We must stop accepting unchallenged what the politician says and we must carefully examine all alternatives to the PLP and the FNM. I say stand now, my brothers and sisters before it is too late to save this nation.
Nassau, Bahamas