The Christian Church in our Bahamas must soon find creative Christian ways to police itself if it, as a body, expects to win more persons in a continuously secular and decadent society.
While religious freedom is an achievement to be embraced it is clearly being flagrantly abused and unsuspecting innocent οΎ– sometimes gullible persons are being exploited and in some cases mentally injured.
Too many Churches, with no structure; no accountability and no transparency are "fleecing" and "fooling" the flock and is in violation of basic Christian trust. Then there are Churches with some structure which seems to remain distant and aloof while age old teachings and traditions of the Church are being violated.
The numerical presence of a Church building in a community is not a true measurement of authentic Christian witness. Too many abuses are taking place in the name of religious freedom.
It has become too easy to "start a Church" with no theological basis or Biblical justification and then elevate oneself to unquestioned cultic leadership.
Historically the Christian Church has hardly ever been syncretistic, but in light of present day realities we must find common ground to protect the common interest and integrity of the Christian Church. It is sad but true that inspite of the many Churches across our land there is not one program anywhere to show our oneness.
By: Bishop Simeon B. Hall, The Bahama Journal