The Hon. Allyson Maynard-Gibson spoke the truth when she noted that the Bible warns us that when “Justice is not swift, wickedness grows in the hearts of men.”
As most Bahamians know and lament, justice has not been swift in the Bahamas. As a consequence, wickedness has grown and this once beloved nation of ours is now harvesting the results of the wickedness that has sprouted from the hearts of some of our fellow-Bahamians.
This Minister is absolutely correct.
Thankfully, she is now doing something about it. Big talk is being matched with resolute action.
As we all know politicians are some of the highest paid talkers in the land. Unfortunately for the people who elected some of them, some of these professionals are all talk and little action.
That is why when some politicians speak, few people listen.
Mercifully, this criticism does not apply to all politicians. These hardy few are the ones who routinely match word with action.
The Hon. Allyson Maynard-Gibson happens to be one of these rare politicians. Her word is quite evidently her bond.
She recently spoke truth when she noted that “over the years, comfort and complacency have led to deterioration in our expectations and mediocrity has in too many instances taken the place of excellence.”
She also spoke truth when she admitted that “today we face a crisis of crime and social decay that threatens our very existence.”
And then this resolve: “As your Attorney General, I am standing shoulder to shoulder with the capable and diligent professionals who make up the majority of the police force, courts, prison system, probation departments and of course the attorney generals office and we are issuing an urgent wake-up call to all Bahamians.”
Clearly understanding that the work ahead requires collaboration, Attorney-General Maynard-Gibson promises that “as a team we are determined to restore excellence to the justice system. Our very first priority will be the delivery of �swift justice.�
This is especially good today. Our country�s judicial system is in need of renovation. And at long last, we seem to have an Attorney-General whose mind is focused on the job at hand.
Thus we note receipt of some news reports say that Attorney-General, the Hon. Allyson Maynard-Gibson has been presented a report that makes recommendations intended to invigorate the public legal profession.
While belated, this is good news for this nation.
Quite evidently, it is also very good news for the people who have long gone beyond the call of duty as they laboured under the weight of a system in need of urgent overhaul.
As we recall mention was made of this project almost two years ago. It was then expected to complete its work in a record-breaking period of three months.
This was not to be. But since it is sometimes quite true that good things come to those who wait, today we revel in the news that some thing good is about to happen for the judicial branch of government.
That is why we pause today to thank all who have persevered and struggled as the current administration went about the thankless task of trying to bring a semblance of sanity to a system that was collapsing.
We believe that the time is now for the administration to take this bull by the horn {to use a time-worn clich�} and see to it that the money is found to pay for this much needed upgrade of the judicial system.
We wish to also remind all and sundry that there is no cost-free way for improvements to be made. The bottom line is that the money has to be found from some where.
We are today quite satisfied that Bahamians will pay for the upgrade to the judicial system. And so will they pay for any real upgrade of the nation�s other systems such as health and education.
All of this comes with but one caveat. That reservation is that the people will pay willingly if they know and believe that they are getting value for money.
This equation applies �we might add- to what the public gets or does not get by way of service from people who are charged with great responsibilities. And so the people are watching each and every Cabinet Minister to determine whether they are getting value for money.
In passing, we are absolutely convinced that the public is being well-served by the Hon. Allyson Maynard-Gibson as she goes about her work.
We are particularly impressed by her can-do attitude in her enunciation of the Swift Justice principle and initiative.
Editorial from The Bahama Journal