They have a right to know – as electors- that they are respected by their elected representatives.
This is enshrined in the law of the land.
We would strenuously argue the point that when the Government itself routinely flouts the law of the land, the message is sent and received that the law does not really matter.
We hasten to add that we cannot envisage the coming of any day when anyone would be dumb enough as to suggest that the public should not know how its tax dollars are spent by their elected representatives.
Indeed as we understand the Constitution of The Commonwealth of The Bahamas, there is a requirement to the effect that the public should be informed on an annual basis as to how the Governmentメs books look. This is so because the public constitutes ヨas it were- the nationメs shareholders.
These people are also taxpayers. And as such, these people therefore have a right to know whether their money is being spent wisely, or otherwise.
Sadly, this is not the case in todayメs Bahamas.
Instead, what the public has gotten is neglect and delay piled high upon even more neglect and delay.
Of note is the newly released Auditor Generalメs Report, which shows that in the most recent year for which the study is available, public accounts were in such poor state that the auditor general was unable to certify them.
We lament this sad state of affairs in a supposedly modern Commonwealth of The Bahamas.
The Auditor-Generalメs conclusion is blunt and to the point, “As a result of my examination, I now report that due to un-reconciled accounts, which include inactive bank account that remain on the books, I cannot attest to the completeness and fairness of cash and bank balances, investments, and receivables.”
As we know, under the Financial Administration and Audit Act 1973, it is the responsibility of the auditor general to examine and certify the governmentメs financial statements.
We are also aware that the accounts of The Bahamas should be presented to parliament annually and should contain among other information the details of revenue, recurrent and capital expenditure, the public debt and the contingent liabilities of the government, as well as detailed revenue by category and detailed expenditure.
That this has not happened on a timely basis is unforgivable.
We are therefore obliged to call upon Prime Minister the Rt. Hon. Perry Gladstone Christie to do the right thing as far as the Auditor-Generalメs Office is concerned.
Doing that right thing demands that they provide the Auditor-General with resources requisite to the job at hand. This is a requirement of the law.
We note also that this is detailed in Chapter IX, section 136 of The Bahamas Independence Order 1973 (The Constitution) and elsewhere. Regrettably the deadlines and requirements are ignored. Witness the release of the Auditor General’s Report four years in arrears.
It is also of some importance to note the fact that Her Majestyメs Loyal Opposition in the House of Assembly also has a responsibility in the process with the Public Accounts Committee.
For whatever reason, they have not done what they should have.
The current administration, in particular, is also most delinquent in that they have not met the legally mandated deadlines and requirements.
Our call and counsel is clear. The Government of The Commonwealth of The Bahamas must see to it that the Auditor-Generalメs Office is more fully capacitated so that it can do its job. And furthermore, Ministers in the Government should see to it that every penny that is earned or spent receives a full accounting. This is the law.
The Ministry of Youth, Sports and Culture was not the only government agency where concerns were raised.
At the Department of Immigration, the report said during the audit it was observed that no cashbook was being maintained.
“We recommend that a cashbook be instituted in accordance with Section 134 of the Financial Regulations 1975,” the report said.
While reviewing the accounting process, it was noted that when the cashier turns over revenue to the accounting officer, no receipt is issued to acknowledge the cash exchange and shortages exist in the amount of $14,805.14.
The auditor general recommends that there be documented verifiable evidence of exchange of funds from the cashier to the accounting officer.
Editorial from The Bahama Journal