Even though regattas and homecomings provide opportunities for the renewal of family ties, such cultural events are in danger of degenerating into occasions for “loose and immoral” behaviour, a prominent theologian warned on Monday night.
“Over the past weekend in North Eleuthera and in Wemyss Bight in South Eleuthera, there were clear examples of riotous, unseemly conduct which are becoming synonymous with these cultural extravaganzas,” said Archbishop Drexel Gomez. “Of course all the persons who attend these events do not exhibit such undesirable conduct, but an honest observance of the developing trend produces grave concern for a country that claims the title ‘Christian’.”
Addressing the 106th Anglican Synod at Christ Church Cathedral, Bishop Gomez said that while he recognises the importance of culture, he is concerned about the manner in which Bahamian culture is being promoted. He also expressed concern about the development of Junior Junkanoo and the display of “vulgarity” evidenced in Junior Junkanoo activities.
“Young children are permitted to engage in explicitly sexual dances which are inappropriate in a Christian community,” Bishop Gomez stated. ” If children are to be actively involved in this cultural art form, the authorities should immediately proceed to institute clear checks and balances so as to ensure that the young persons participating in the parade conduct themselves appropriately. Indeed, there should be penalties attached to the performing groups and their sponsors. In the absence of such checks and balances, there is bound to be an increase in lewd and undesirable behaviour. We must make it abundantly clear to the promoters of Junior Junkanoo and the participants that we cannot compromise our Christian values and standards in the name of culture.”
On the other hand, leader of the Saxons Superstars, Percy “Vola” Francis told The Guardian that he does not believe that those participating in the Junior Junkanoo parade are engaging in explicitly sexual dance movements. “We are trying all we could not to have that kind of thing, in fact, there are stringent rules in place to ensure that the dancing is not vulgar.”
By: TAMARA McKENZIE, The Nassau Guardian