The website received a letter from lawyers for fashion mogul Peter Nygard threatening to shut down the website if inflammatory posts regarding Mr Nygard’s character were not immediately removed.
Mr Nygard is a resident of Lyford Cay and has been in the news recently regarding a spat with his neighbor, billionaire Louis Bacon.
The comments, posted by the administrator of the site – who goes by the moniker “media” – as well as users nicknamed “newsman” and “Mackey” were said to be inflammatory, untrue and defamatory by Mr Nygard’s Canadian attorneys.
The website which is read more for amusement than actual news, falsely claims to have over 10 million viewers. In reality, the site generates probably no more than a few hundred unique visitors per day, according to Niki Bright, BahamasB2B webmaster and an expert on web traffic in The Bahamas.
Mr Nygard’s lawyers asked that the posts be removed, “or alternatively, remove the website in its entirety.”
A recent check of the site shows that the post in question was removed.
The website, which allegedly picked up the posts and re-published them on their forum, may also have received a similar letter.
This follows on the heels of the Tribune newspaper sending a copyright infringement letter to the administrator of the BahamasIssues website after it was discovered that site was re-publishing Tribune news articles in their entirety without permission from the Tribune management.
Also, in Bahamas web news, Bahamian police questioned a local webmaster for allegedly hijacking a quasi-government website.