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Marine Exporters Association To Work With Government

Minister Agriculture and Marine Resources Minister Lawrence S "Larry" Cartwright receives executives of Bahamas Marine Exporters Association. Pictured from left: Michael Braynen, director of Fisheries; Cresswell Sturrup, permanent secretary; Tia Isaacs, president; Minister Cartwright; Glen Pritchard, vice president and Percy Roberts, secretary. (BIS photo/Letisha Henderson)

Three officers of the Bahamas Marine Exporters Association (BMEA) paid a courtesy call on Minister of Agriculture and Marine Resources, Lawrence S “Larry” Cartwright on Thursday.

They were president Tia Isaacs of J & J Heritage Seafood, vice president Glen Pritchard of Tropic Seafood, and secretary Percy Roberts of Geneva Brass.  The Association was founded in May this year and was incorporated last month. Its purpose is to collaborate with NGOs, the Government and fishermen in preserving the lobster industry in The Bahamas.

Through the Association, its members pledged their support for the Government”s move for Marine Stewardship Council certification and the Fisheries Improvement Project.

They praised the “remarkable job” done by the Department of Marine Resources to make fishermen ready for new European Union certification requirements.  In a show of unity, Association members had accompanied the Department on Family Island visits.

They were pleased to note the reduction in the number of undersized crawfish.  It was regretted though, that “there is still a market for them.”

The Association is committed to addressing this.

“The European Union with its emphasis on quality certification was a wakeup call to the industry,” stated the BMEA.

The Minister congratulated the BMEA for establishing themselves as an association, thanked all for their collaboration, and encouraged them to continue.

Bahamas Information Services

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