Dr. Jonathan Rodgers has published a new book about the Bahamian economy.
The book, ‘Is It Really Better in The Bahamas… for Bahamians?‘, deals with how the impact of the recent economic conditions – coupled with governmental decisions – have had a negative effect on the lives of Bahamians
“People need to know about these things because they need to protect themselves in this economy,” Rodgers recently said in an interview with Inderia Saunders from the Nassau Guardian. “Knowledge is the only equalizer in life for all people [and] knowledge is the answer for every single problem,” the author said.
The book is a labor of love that has been in the making for the last three years, taking thousands of dollars and many hours of Dr Rodgers’ time.
However, he feels strongly about getting the word out.
An excerpt from the book’s introduction says:
“The old Tourism slogan’It’s better in The Bahamas’does not accurately describes our current standing in the travel industry, nor our status as an offshore financial centre. But most Bahamians still consider it an apt description of our lifestyle.”
“These issues are the result of years of bad governance, foreign ownership of the economy, a poor educational system, dysfunctional mindsets, and a spiralling crime rate. This book seeks to make people more aware of the vital importance of these issues and how they impact our lives.”
For other books by Bahamian authors, visit the Bahamas Books page.