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Residents Concerned Over Grand Bahama Cruise Port Project Progress

Residents of the Williams and Russell Town areas say they are concerned about the progress of the proposed cruise port, saying the Government has been mum on the matter since the initial announcement.

Some residents have even questioned whether the port is still on the drawing board, since no information has been provided to indicate that it is.

When contacted regarding the project yesterday, Minister of Works and Member of Parliament for Lucaya, the constituency where the port is expected to be located, Neko Grant, said he had no update to provide on the matter.

Resident George Williams said he wishes the Government would offer some further facts, and is unsure as to what could be causing the delay.

“I don’t know if it’s bureaucracy, paperwork, or I don’t know if they’re waiting on this economic recovery to come around, of if they’re doing it closer to the time when election comes, stalling for that, but it would be good if the cruise port does come, it will be beneficial to the whole island,” he said.

“I’m kind of disappointed that it hasn’t started as yet because you want to see some progress. On the whole, the island of Grand Bahama needs some kind of movement to get some people to work. So we need to find out what’s going on with that.”

Another resident Pauline Newbold said she has heard a lot of talk among residents about what the advantages and disadvantages of the cruise port may be, but has reserved judgment herself in the absence of concrete information.

“I want to hear more about it from them so I can know. Even though you might be against it, it’s kind of hard to stand in the way of progress and if that’s the government and they already say they’re going to do it, no matter how much you fight eventually they’re going to get their way, but at least speak with the people, talk to us let us know what it is, because we might be saying one thing when it’s totally different,” she said.

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