February is Heart Month, celebrated world-wide to bring awareness and take a stand against Heart Disease – the Bahamas’ number one killer! This year marks the 50th anniversary of The Sir Victor Sassoon (Bahamas) Heart Foundation, a non-for-profit organization that has provided over four thousand Bahamian children financial assistance with heart surgeries.
Heart disease and stroke kills more women each year than cancer, tuberculosis, and HIV/AIDS combined. Worldwide, an average of 16 women per minute dies of cardiovascular disease, including heart attack and stroke. Heart disease does not discriminate between race and gender; it is the number one killer of all ethnic groups.
Continuing its support to reducing heart disease in the Bahamas, Doctors Hospital recently made a check presentation to the Sir Victor Sassoon Bahamas Heart Foundation with the observance of Heart Month. Doctors Hospital has been a patron of the Sir Victor Sassoon Bahamas Heart Foundation for years, continuing its commitment to service within the Bahamian community and remaining true to its mission statement, to make a positive contribution to the advancement of healthcare in the Region. The recent check presentation will assist with the excellent work of the Foundation for the benefit of Bahamian children needing heart surgery who are unable to afford it.
As stated by Michele Rassin, VP Operations, Doctors Hospital, “It is our pleasure to support the Sir Victor Sassoon Bahamas Heart Foundation as they continue to make such a lasting difference in the lives of children and their families. We encourage each Bahamian to support the various fundraising events planned during Heart Month to raise funds for life-saving heart surgery for children suffering from congenital heart disease.”
R. E. Barnes, Chairman of the Sir Victor Sassoon Bahamas Heart foundation commented that ten to fifteen children were assisted in 2010. “Every dollar makes a difference in the life of a child in need of heart surgery. Having our own local highly trained cardiologists makes a huge difference as most surgeries are now done at home, which cuts down a little on costs, but the procedures are still very expensive. Without the doctors and the support of the Bahamian people, we would not be able to give these kids a second chance.”
You can show your support by purchasing a ticket to attend the 2011 Annual Lady Sassoon Heart Ball on February 19th, 2011 at Sheraton Cable Beach Resort, Cable Beach in the Independence Ballroom. Cocktails are at 7:15pm and dinner is at 8:30pm. The Heart Ball will feature live entertainment, a grand raffle prize as well as other fabulous prizes. Tickets are priced at $250.00 per person.
The following events have also been planned to highlight Heart Month: Thursday, February 17, 2011 at 6:00pm, a Free Public Health Lecture on Heart Health, Doctors Hospital Conference Room; Friday, February 18, Go Red for Women Day, wear your pins and show your support; Thursday, February 24, 9-5pm, the Bahamas Heart Association Health Fair, Town Center Mall. For more information, or to make a donation, please telephone the Sir Victor Sassoon Bahamas Heart Foundation at (242) 327-0806.