Nassau, The Bahamas – The Ministry of Public Works and Transport held a press briefing on Tuesday, April 5 to advise the public of the following road diversions and road closures that have been implemented in the first phase as the New Providence Road Improvement and Infrastructure continues.
Baillou Hill Road – Work continues at the junction of Wulff Road and Baillou Hill Road to complete roadworks. Work also continues north of Wulff Road between John Road and Chapel Street where drainage and new Water and Sewerage service laterals have been installed. On April 9 there will be a full road closure for two days between Wulff Road and Brougham Street to carry out work on the road pavement, well drilling and utility junction boxes and on April 16, the contractor will commence the laying of new asphalt for the area.
The Ministry noted that the area was originally approved for full closure however, to accommodate the motoring public, the contractor has been executing work under a single-lane closure.
Market Street – One lane of traffic is granted on the west side of Market Street from Wulff Road to Cordeaux Avenue and two lanes thereafter as the work progresses with the installation of the new water main.
On April 4, a full road closure came into effect at the junction of East Street and Robinson Road for 2 weeks to complete roadworks in the junction. This work includes removal of the existing asphalt, placement of new lime rock material and new asphalt pavement.
Robinson Road – Full closure is in effect on 6th Street and Palm Tree Avenue. Access is granted via Ashley Street/Straw Flower/Lincoln Boulevard to East Street north and Robinson Road. Access is granted via Purpose Way via 6th Street to Palm Tree Avenue to Robinson Road and East Street.
Prince Charles Drive – There is a single lane closure between the Fox Hill Road junction to Pine Barren Road (near the Market Place) where eastbound traffic is diverted through Beatrice Avenue to Sea Breeze Lane. Access to the affected business is granted through the diversion route heading in the direction of the traffic flow only.
Effective April 6 phase 2 of the installation of the 24-inch water main on Prince Charles Drive takes effect with a full closure on Prince Charles Drive between Jean and Garden Streets. Motorists will be diverted through Kent Avenue and Gleniston Subdivision Road to Prince Charles.
Effective April 6 there will be a single lane closure on Marathon Road between Wulff Road and Ferguson Way where southbound traffic is diverted to Claridge and Soldier Roads and northbound traffic continues on to Marathon Road. This closure will take approximately 8 weeks with the drainage works.
Independence Highway/Robinson Road/Marathon Road – Work continues at this junction as the Ministry seeks to improve the area to 7-lanes on each leg. Traffic movements have been decreased to one-lane in each direction on all legs.
Abundant Life Road – On April 5 roadworks commenced at the junction of Abundant Life Road and the Independence Highway. Here, one lane of traffic is granted to southbound traffic and northbound traffic has been diverted to East Street and Old Trail Road.
Work has commenced at the junction of Abundant Life and Soldier Road where westbound traffic has been diverted to Taylor Street (the corner just west of Old Trail Road by Nassau Christian Academy) or Haven Road or Goggle Eye through Windsor Place Subdivision. East bound traffic continues on Soldier Road and will continue until further notice.
Dolphin Drive – A new road change took effect on March 27 to the newly constructed side road that leads to Dolphin Drive and allows motorists to access Bahamas Telecommunications Company (BTC), H.O. Nash High School, Highland Park and the Grove Subdivision. The change allows westbound traffic only and eastbound movements are prohibited. Motorists are not allowed to access the new highway from the Dolphin Drive Link.
The Ministry encourages all motorists to pay attention, follow the diversion signs in place and exercise caution when travelling in construction zones.
The Ministry apologises for any inconvenience caused. The public is invited to contact the Ministry on hotline number 302-9700
By Kathryn Campbell
Bahamas Information Services