The Bahamas Telecommunications Company Ltd. (BTC) notes the Interim Order issued by URCA on Friday 13th May 2011 which sets out the timetable and conditions for the negotiations between BTC and System Resource Group (SRG) of a new Interconnection Agreement (IA) based on BTC’s soon to be approved Reference Access and Interconnection Offer (RAIO).
The RAIO is the public document issued by BTC and approved by URCA that sets out the parameters and guidelines by which other licensed operators (OLOs) in the Bahamian marketplace interconnect with BTC to provide their services to BTC’s customers and permits BTC to provide its services to the OLO’s customers. The RAIO facilitates the processes that ensure fluid operations for all related parties in a manner that is transparent and allows OLOs to access BTC’s infrastructure in a way that is fair to the OLO and its customers. It also provides BTC with the means to charge cost-based fees to cover its investments in the infrastructure that is being made available to the OLOs in the marketplace.
BTC looks forward to the successful conclusion with SRG of an interconnection agreement that is based on the approved RAIO. This new agreement will replace the existing interconnection agreement that was in place for the period of 2004 through 2009.
Mr. Geoff Houston, CEO of BTC, said the following:
“We welcome the Interim Order issued by URCA notwithstanding concerns we have with some of the provisions, as this will provide the framework to move expeditiously toward the finalization of an [interconnection agreement] between BTC and SRG. The present IA expired in 2009 and to keep it in place means discriminatory treatment in SRG’s favor compared to the treatment of Other newly Licensed Operators.”
“But more importantly, BTC is eager to see and support a robust and competitive telecoms industry in The Bahamas characterized by fair rules and a level playing field. This benefits the consumers as it forces all operators to be efficient and nimble and deliver the products that customers want and at the best possible prices. BTC anticipates a very expeditious negotiation period with SRG to meet the progress targets imposed by URCA in the Order.”