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Hypocrite McCartney Reeks Of Dictatorship

Democratic National Alliance (DNA) Leader Branville McCartney appears to be a “bigger dictator” than his former boss – Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham – “who he could no longer work for,” according to the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP).

Days after the official launch of the DNA, The PLP said Mr. McCartney appears to be a “figure of contradiction and an enigma,” which the party says raises more questions than answers about the honour of his initial political intent.

The PLP said on the face of it, the DNA’s structure and function is “rank with the stench of dictatorship.”

The party says there is no published constitution that governs the structure, function, policies and processes of the DNA, nor is there an executive committee or council to execute mechanisms that form the basis of the DNA’s policies and processes.

“It appears that Mr. McCartney is a self-appointed leader who in turn appointed a chairman. He apparently unilaterally appointed his candidates,” the party said in a press statement.

Posted in Politics

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