Maybe Bran McCartney ought to work at the straw market. It appears that the prime minister wannabe has the same careless disregard for intellectual property as the straw vendors who sell fake designer bags.
Lawyer John Bostwick, who recently published a comprehensive plan for the nation titled, “Bahamas 20/20 Vision”, is accusing Mr McCartney of stealing his logo, artwork and “Go Green” slogan.
To the casual observer it would certainly appear that Mr MccAtney lacked originality when creating his DNA logo and green theme.
Mr McCartney’s “Change” slogan is also borrowed from Mr Bostwick, who obviously borrowed the idea from Barack Obama’s campaign in America.
Bostwick, son of former FNM Attorney General Janet Bostwick and Henry Bostwick, QC, a former FNM Senate President, says he has registered trademarks for the artwork in his plan and hints that he may sue McCartney and the DNA.
Mr Bostwick plans to run as an independent in the Farm Road constituency, against PLP leader Perry Christie.
McCartney’s DNA launch was a well attended event at the Wyndham last week, which showed that he can draw a crowd the same size as the FNM or PLP at their conventions. However, many of the attendees were there as spectators rather than supporters. It is not clear how the buzz Mr McCartney is generating will transfer into votes at the polls.
The DNA will be off to a bad start if it is decided that McCartney stole Mr Bostwick’s logo and theme.