A field of thirty-six of the world’s top sportfishing teams were on-hand for the first billfish tournament ever held on Great Guana Cay in the Abacos. David Anderson’s team Krazy Salts of Medford, New Jersey, christened the event perfectly by scoring 3,000 points to take First Place at the Guana Cay Championship, the fourth leg on the 2011 Bahamas Billfish Championship. Keith Greenberg, captain of the Viking 70, directed the team in releasing two blue marlin on day one and concluding with three blue marlin on the final day.
The fishing was excellent for the three day tournament despite higher than usual June winds. An impressive 49 blue marlin were caught and released by the 36 participating boats.
For the win, Krazy Salts received the Randy Rich designed First Place trophy from Alton Herndon, President of Bertram and Don Jones, Vice President of Bertram. As Top Release Team for the Guana Cay Championship, Krazy Salts was presented with an original Hy Jacobsen teak sculpture awarded by BBC sponsors Murray Products and the Al Behrendt Marine Group. The Lewis Marine Group sponsored Top Crew trophies were presented to Capt. Keith Greenberg and the crew of Krazy Salts.

Winner of the Central Abaco Championship, Bear Trap, finished in Second Place. John Stout’s Chattanooga, Tennessee based Spencer 66 captained by Greg Eklund caught four blues and one white marlin for a 2,600 point total. Michael Anderson of Baldwinsville, New York, chartered Capt. Geno Pratt’s Vista 49 Geno IV for the BBC’s Guana Cay leg. The team managed to release four blue marlin over the three fishing days to capture Third Place with 2,400 points. In addition to the Randy Rich acrylic trophies, the top three teams all received gift certificates from Roffer’s Ocean Fishing Forecasting Service (ROFFS) and Bacardi Anejo Rum from Bristol Wine and Spirits of the Bahamas.
During the three day tournament the 36 participating boats caught and released an extraordinary 70 billfish; 49 blue marlin, 13 white marlin and 8 sailfish. The Bahamas Billfish Championship utilizes time and date stamped digital images to validate the species and release times of all billfish. Affidavits signed by participants fishing on each team releasing fish further confirms that the billfish was released in accordance with IGFA and Bahamas Billfish Championship rules.

Bertram and Allied Marine continued their long tradition in sponsoring and hosting the fourth leg of the BBC’s five-tournament series. Alton Herndon and Don Jones were joined by Rob McDougal, President of Allied Marine and Seth Flippen, Product Support Manager and served as judges for a Bacardi Anejo competition held at Guana Cay’s famous Nipper’s on Thursday evening. Host resort Orchid Bay provided the fleet with outstanding graciousness that included greeting returning boats with fresh conch fritters on the docks each afternoon. The Bahamas Beverage and Brewery Company also kept the fleet supplied with iced Sands Beer and High Rock Beer at the conclusion of each fishing day.
The good fishing during the Guana Cay Championship enabled the top three contenders for the 2011 BBC crown to improve their point totals. Current leader in the Overall standings, Zues added 600 points at Guana Cay for a cumulative total of 9,700 points. Team Wave Paver added 700 points and maintains their Second Place Overall position with 8,300 points. Team Chasin Tail, winner of the Cape Eleuthera Championship, added 1800 points at Guana Cay for a total of 7,400 points to hold on to Third Place Overall.
For the complete listing of the overall standings visit: www.bahamasbillfish.com
The season’s fifth and final leg of the Bahamas Billfish Championship takes place June 22nd through 25th at Treasure Cay Resort & Marina. The Treasure Cay Championship will decide who wears the ‘Championship Ring’ and the title of 2011 Bahamas Billfish Champion. The ‘Championship Ring’ was created and is annually presented by Abaco Gold of Marsh Harbour, Abaco, Bahamas.
Now celebrating its 38th season, the BBC is the oldest billfish tournament series in the world. Anglers can fish any or all of the tournaments with cumulative points determining the overall Bahamas Billfish Champions. The Bahamas Billfish Championship has two endowed scholarships that enable Bahamian students the opportunity to pursue a degree in marine biology or advanced education in marine technologies.
For the very latest information, registration forms and tournament photos visit our fact-filled Internet website at www.bahamasbillfish.com or contact the Bahamas Billfish Championship at 866-920-5577 or email: info@bahamasbillfish.com.