With summer break just around the corner for many schools, the Ministry of Public Works and Transport is advising the public to expect the number of full road closures to increase.
“As we enter the summer session from June to August the plan for the project is to substantially complete the majority of key roads,” said Charlene Collie, Public Relations representative for the New Providence Road Improvement and Infrastructure Project and engineer for the Ministry of Public Works and Transport.
“This includes completing the first layer of asphalt material, underground works, drainage, water mains and service ducts.
A full road closure will take effect beginning June 2 on Fox Hill Road to Pine Barren Road and is expected to last for approximately 16 weeks. The closures will head westward toward Beatice Avenue (main entrance to Seabreeze Lane) as the contractor works towards completing the installation of the 24-inch water main on the south side of Prince Charles Drive.
“The closures to be implemented are to effect underground work that cannot be avoided,” said Ms. Collie.
Full road closure is also expected at the East Street and Soldier Road junction on June 8th, from College Gardens to Pine Barren within the week of June 13, during the 3rd week of June on Baillou Hill Road (heading south over the hill from Family Guardian), Market Street, Marathon Road, and Robinson Road,
Persons wishing to access businesses or residents will be allowed to enter the areas under full closures.
“The priority is safety for motorists, pedestrians and those executing the work when a full closure is executed,” Ms. Collie explained.
“We have water mains that we need to improve the condition and size in order to continue to supply the demand of water that is required. Any good road design includes drainage, improves sidewalks and highway lighting, proper road markings and signage.
“Along with the project we are improving the road network on the island of New Providence as well as improving the condition of the roadway. We encourage the public to attend Information Meetings offered by the Ministry so you can share your concerns about closures.”