On Wednesday, Apple released the highly anticipated Mac OS X (ten) Lion.
Do you know how to judge the wide spread popularity of a product? I’ll tell you how…When every Bahamian, and their Grandmothers are buying all the iTunes gift cards to get it. Turns out that Custom Computers, DC Tech and some other local computer businesses all ran out of ITunes gift cards. I guess they weren’t in the know.
Lion has to be purchased from the Mac App Store for $29 dollars and downloaded, instead of ran from a traditional CD – both new concepts for the high-tech industry. My download took a fingernail-biting six hours -like most others it seems. All in all, after going through all the motions, the ups, the downs, the ‘what in the world’ and the ‘wow’ moments I am just about fully assimilated with my new upgrade, and I like it.
If you are using a Mac, and you are interested in upgrading, you may want to check out the related article to learn more about Lion. If you have already upgraded, let me know you think about your upgraded OS?