BEC Chairman Michael Moss and Minister Earl Deveaux, who has carriage over Bahamas Electricity Corporation say that Bahamians can expect blackouts to stop altogether come July 20. Frankly, we’ll believe it when we see it.
Deveaux indicated that 20 megawatts of rented supplemental power will be inserted into New Providence’s electrical grid by that time.
Meanwhile, Mr Moss said that the three large generators at the Clifton Pier plant, that failed and caused massive power outages across New Providence over the past week, were back online Thursday night.
It has been reported that BEC needs to generate about 230 megawatts of power in order to have a margin of safety.
“Thursday night at 10:10 BEC was generating 216 megawatts, so everybody was on, while the demand was roughly 212,” Deveaux said.
Thin Margin
“That difference of four megawatts is too thin of a margin for BEC to operate with. They need a greater safety margin and they have been playing with safety margins worse than that. BEC’s supply had gone down to just over 168 megawatts when the demand was at 199 megawatts.”
Deveaux said with the supplemental 20 megawatts installed near the end of July, New Providence should not experience any more power outages.
Yeah, right!