While it is true that one is innocent until proven guilty, sometimes there are cases that are pertty obvious. Like when several unrelated witnesses claim they saw a man shoot another man.
In cases such as that, the court process is almost a formality, a process that the accused is entitled to, no matter the waste of public time and money.
But maybe the accused should wait in jail until their case comes to trial. Many would consider releasing them on bail, well, stupid, reckless and irresponsible.
Now, we all know that judges want to remain impartial and fair. But to continually release known muderers on bail is a danger to society, especially in The Bahamas, where it has been proven to be the cause of an out-of-control crime rate and a record-setting murder rate.
Yet, we have Senior Justice Jon Isaacs who lets virtually any murderous scum who passes through his court out on bail.
Is Issacs a PLP who wants to make crime more of a problem so that the PLP can campaign on that theme?
Is he stupid, reckless and irresponsible?
Is he trying to be fair and just going too far?
Is he a hero who is correcting flaws in our justice system? (No doubt there are many.)
Is he sending a message to the many incompetent prosecutors? (Would he do so at the public’s expense?)
Are, God forbid, defense lawyers making it worth the judge’s while? (We do not believe this scenario.)
Is the good judge afraid of repercussions if he doesn’t let murderers out on bail?
We are just presenting any and all possibilities, no matter how remote or extreme any of them may be.
Issacs recently approved bail for Kendrick Sands who is accused of last year’s shooting death of Kifftino Davis.
The judge set bail at $30,000 with two sureties.
Sands, who has earned the nickname “Ghetto Pig”, will be monitored with an ankle bracelet, a concept that has failed miserably. There have even been murders committed by men in ankle bracelets since the programme started.
Davis, the man Kedrick Sands murdered, was a 20-year-old father, who was shot outside a club in Peardale in June 2010.
According to police, four men exited a tan Honda Accord and one of them shot Davis multiple times.
Now, mind you, Sands was already out on bail for the murder of Onando Newbold when this next murder occurred.
Knowing all the facts in this case, would you let Kendrick Sands out on bail?
Please leave your comments and opinions below. It is time the public spoke out about the matter of Justice Isaacs granting bail in a seemingly irresponsible manner.