Several police officers from the Central Division were arrested and questioned in connection with the disappearance of $8,000 that was confiscated after an armed robbery that took place on Sunday.
The officers have since been released and no charges have been filed.
On Sunday, a man depositing over $13,000 at the Bank of The Bahamas on Shirley Street was robbed by two men, one carying a handgun.
Police repsponded immediately and within minutes arrested two 19-year-old men in a church parking lot nearby.
The teens had over $5,000 and a loaded handgun in their possession.
But there seems to be a discrepancy over how much money was actually taken and how much was handed over to police.
The two young thieves claim that police officers took $8,000 from them before taking them to the Central Division Police Station.
Senior cops say the investigation is still ongoing.
Just last month an active duty police officer, Angelo Roker, 20, was arrested for his part in a robbery. Roker was dismissed from the force and charged before the courts.