PARIS, France — Dr. Davidson Hepburn gave his closing address to the 36th General Session of UNESCO by performing a rendition of Frank Sinatra’s famed song, “I Did it My Way”, recounting his efforts to lobby for greater participation of small island states in UNESCO’s affairs, education for all and gender parity for all citizens of the world.
It was evident by the resounding applause that he received, that the Bahamian statesman had captured the respect of the international community during his two-year term as the President of the 35th General Conference of UNESCO.
Dr Hepburn told the delegates attending the opening ceremony including Minister of Education the Hon. T. Desmond Bannister, that under his leadership he sought to move away from treating the business of UNESCO, as business as usual and make it meaningful for all involved.
He lauded UNESCO for hosting its Experts Meeting on Climate Change in The Bahamas in September 2011, and said he anticipated that the outcomes of the meeting will greatly benefit small island states in adapting to natural disasters.
President of the Executive Board of UNESCO, Ms Eleonora Mitrofanova told the Conference that the organisation is operating against a backdrop of unprecedented natural crises, uncertainty of the world economy and instability in the Middle East.
She admonished members of the Executive Board to react quickly to a changing world. Ms. Mitrofanova also appealed for UNESCO to be more ambitious in its “Education for All” goal, which she noted will not be achieved by the targeted date of 2015, since all boys and girls are not receiving a primary education.
She urged government leaders to incorporate humanitarian development in their education policies.
Director General of UNESCO, Irina Bokova, in her address expressed condolences to the people of Saudi Arabia on the death of the Crown Prince, Sultan bin Adul Aziz- Al Saud and to the people of Turkey for the deadly earthquake that recently impacted them.
The Director General further told delegates that they must advance together or they will not advance at all. She said, “We all dream of peace and development and everyone wants high quality teachers in their schools.”
She said the global economic crisis has hit the most vulnerable countries the hardest. Ms Bokova noted that half of the world’s population is under the age of 25 and we must invest in their dignity.
During the opening session, the former Netherland Antilles Caribbean territories of Curacao and St Maarten were admitted into UNESCO as Associate Members.
Minister Bannister addressed the Conference on the “State of Education in The Bahamas”. The Minister also discussed Quality in Education and Effectiveness of Learning in Latin America and the Caribbean with Ministers of Education from Latin America the Caribbean and South Africa.
By Ministry of Education