Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) Leader Perry Christie said the boundary cuts currently being proposed are a clear case of gerrymandering, designed to distort traditional PLP voting patterns and prop up unpopular Free National Movement members of Parliament.
The proposal calls for the number of seats in the House of Assembly to be reduced from 41 to 38. Two seats are expected to be cut in New Providence and one in Grand Bahama.
“This was by design a major political decision by the prime minister to draw a map for New Providence that from the outset was intended to be a political map, where you would disregard traditional connections in areas like Englerston and St. Cecelia and break them up,” Christie said.
“In this instance, he (the prime minister) decided to decimate St. Cecelia by giving one polling division to Bain Town, three polling divisions to Farm Road, and seven polling divisions to Englerston.”
Christie said Ingraham is attempting to put as many PLP voters as possible in Farm Road, Bain Town, St. Cecelia and Englerston combined.
Christie said while there is a Boundaries Commission, it is really just going through the motions as the boundaries had already been drawn before the commission was even appointed.
In three of the last four general elections, the party in power that cut the boundaries lost (1992, 2002 and 2007).