LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (CN) – An exchange student claims an administrator at Philander Smith College sexually assaulted her after asking “if she wanted to make money stripping and dancing at a party,” and claims that the assault investigation turned up “a price list … for sex acts.”
N.L., a minor from the Bahamas, claims defendant George Gray recruited her to attend Philander Smith College, a 4-year college in Little Rock. Gray, 42, was head of recruitment at the school, according to the complaint in Pulaski County Court.
“On or about December 3, 2010, N.L. learned that Gray wanted to talk to her about something and she went to Gray’s office to meet with him. Once in his office, Gray inappropriately questioned N.L. about sexual matters and asked her if she wanted to make money stripping and dancing at a party. N.L. refused and told Gray that she wanted to leave. N.L. was unable to leave because the door was locked,” the complaint states.
“At the same time and place, Gray aggressively, and with the intent to scare N.L., forced her to engage in inappropriate sexual conduct. When N.L. tried to leave, Gray grabbed her, turned her around, and forcefully bent her over his desk, pressing himself against her buttocks. When N.L. told Gray to stop, Gray grabbed her head and threatened N.L. Gray also told N.L. to perform oral sex on him. She did not.”

N.L. says the Little Rock Police Department “was informed of Gray’s sexual assault of N.L. The LRPD investigated the incident and designated it as a ‘sexual assault.’ During the investigation, the LRPD was informed by Keri Smith, an Academic Success English Coach at PSC who was acting as N.L.’s representative at the request of N.L.’s parents who reside in the Bahamas … of a price list generated by fraternity members for sexual acts that they will pay for at their parties. Gray was a member of this fraternity,” the complaint states.
“Upon information and belief, PSC had prior knowledge (actual and/or constructive) of the inappropriate sexual misconduct and actions of Gray and the fraternity and that Gray was using his position as the Director of Recruiting for PSC to solicit female students to perform sexual acts.” (Parentheses in complaint.)
Gray was arrested and “has been charged with sexual assault in the second degree and producing, directing or promoting a sexual performance by a child, both charges are Class B felonies,” the complaint states.
N.L. seeks punitive damages for false imprisonment, assault, battery, outrage and negligence.
Named as defendants are George Gray, Philander Smith College and three John Doe insurance companies.
N.L. is represented by H.C. “Jay” Martin, with Wallace, Martin, Duke and Russell.
Philander Smith College describes itself on its website as “a private, residential, co-educational, four-year undergraduate liberal arts college affiliated with the United Methodist church and a founding member of the United Negro College Fund.”
Courthouse News Service