Justice Indra Hariprashad-Charles announced Monday during a High Court session that she will be leaving her post after the close of the Assizes.
“I am leaving the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court to join the Supreme Court of The Bahamas,” she said. “That is now official.”
Ms. Hariprashad-Charles, who was born in Guyana and is a citizen of St. Lucia, has served as a justice of the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court since 1998, according to the court system’s website. Prior to that, she served as chief registrar of the court system from 1992, according to the website.
Her exact date of departure hasn’t been confirmed yet, said her judicial assistant, Marissa Deane.
Ms. Hariprashad-Charles’ replacement has not yet been announced, said Kimberly Cenac-Phulgence, the chief registrar of the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court system.