The Ministry of Youth, Sports and Culture is pleased to announce that the Government of The Bahamas will be a signatory to the Anti-doping Administration and Management System (ADAMS Programme), as part of the country’s on-going efforts and continued commitment to ensure that Bahamian athletes reach and maintain their optimal performance levels, while remaining “drug free” throughout their sporting careers.
ADAMS is a web-based database management tool for data entry, storage, information sharing and reporting, designed to assist sporting federations and countries around the world in their anti-doping operations. All athletes on the Registered Testing Pool (RTP) will be obliged to register their whereabouts using ADAMS, on a quarterly basis, that is, January to March, April to June, July to September and finally, October to December.
Athletes must enter one specific, 60-minute slot each day, for a specified location between the hours of 6:00 am and 11:00 p.m., where they will be available for testing. They must remain at that location for the time period specified. If a Doping Control Officer (DCO) arrives to make a test in this one hour period, and the athlete is not present, then a Missed Test will be registered and the athlete may be in violation. With repeated Missed Tests, an athlete may become ineligible to compete in international competitions, like the Olympic Games. It is, therefore, crucial that all Bahamian athletes remain in “good standing with the ADAMS programme.