Six years after the Christie administration signed an agreement with an American development company that provided for the transfer of nearly 10,000 acres of crown land on Mayaguana, the government yesterday signed an amended heads of agreement, reclaiming more than half of that land.
The signing came as a result of three years of negotiations to get back 5,825 acres of land for the Bahamian people, according to Tourism Minister Vincent Vanderpool-Wallace, who spoke at the contract signing ceremony at the Office of the Attorney General.
The development was initially approved under the Christie administration as a joint venture between the government and the Boston-based I-Group. Under that agreement, both parties owned the project through the Mayaguana Development Company. However, under the new deal the joint venture arrangement has been cancelled.
During the renegotiation process members of the current government harshly criticized the Christie administration for what they termed “the great land give-away”.