“Instead of a full road closure for which no vehicles would be allowed to pass, a temporary road was opened north of the existing road prior to construction works on Prince Charles Drive,” said Shenique Albury environmental specialist attached to the Project Execution Unit of the Ministry of Public Works and Transport.
The temporary road connects at the rear entrance of SAC to Stephen’s Close (which is the 1st corner west of the back entrance to SAC). From this point motorists can travel to Gleniston Gardens, Prince Charles Drive and then to Beatrice Avenue. Motorists also have the option of travelling on Fox Hill Road.
The work on Prince Charles Drive also includes drainage, construction of water mains and sidewalks, installation of service ducts for major utilities and relocation of existing utilities.
Ms. Albury said it is anticipated that a section of Prince Charles Drive at the rear entrance of SAC to Winters Drive (near Breath of Life Pre-School) will be paved in early March.
Further, it is also anticipated that Beatrice Avenue to Wilson Way will be paved in early March.
By Kathryn Campbell
Bahamas Information Services