Celebrating International Women’s Day yesterday, Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham held a special luncheon for the nine Free National Movement (FNM) female candidates in the upcoming general election and pledged to continue to fight for equality between men and women in The Bahamas.
“I’ve always believed that women ought to be equal to men in all respects,” said Ingraham at the Poop Deck west restaurant.
“There ought to be no discrimination against women in any form whatsoever,” he told reporters.
“And in government and in Parliament I’ve sought to advance that cause.
“We still have a couple challenges to overcome, but we made tremendous progress over the years.”
In a referendum in 2002, Bahamians were asked to vote for a change to the constitution to eradicate language that discriminates against women.
However, the majority of voters, including women, voted against the changes, something Ingraham noted at the time ‘shocked’ him.
Ingraham said yesterday that for as long as he is in public life he will continue to fight for equality of the sexes.