MIAMI, USA — Former Turks and Caicos Islands premier Michael Misick is now wanted internationally for questioning in relation to corruption allegations by officials in the TCI, as reported here. The investigation, which has already resulted in the arrest of other former government ministers, centers on the allegedly fraudulent distribution of Crown land and related allegations of bribery and money laundering.
An arrest warrant has been obtained in the TCI and a ‘Red Notice’ authorised by Interpol for Misick’s arrest but he has reportedly fled to an undisclosed country and is seeking political asylum from what he claims is political persecution.
According to Florida attorney Michelle Estlund in a recent article, at first glance, the superficial observer of all matters Interpol would dismiss the matter as being prohibited by Interpol’s constitution, since Article 3 requires that the Organization not “undertake any intervention or activities of a political, military, religious or racial character.”
Given that the allegations against Misick stem from his tenure in office, the question of Interpol’s involvement should end there, Estlund hypothesises.
“Not so fast,” she says. “The question of political motivation requires a look at all the circumstances involving the allegations, as well as a review of the political landscape and history of the requesting country.”
Additionally, the relationship between the subject (Misick) and the requesting country must be considered along with their respective activities.
“If the true overriding basis for the Red Notice is the underlying criminal charge, then a challenge to the Red Notice likely will not succeed,” Estlund says.
Source: Caribbean News Now