Nassau, Bahamas – Efforts are being made to bring the New Providence Improvement and Infrastructure Project to a close, Ministry of Public Works and Transport officials have announced.
“We’re making every effort to get the project completed as quickly as possible,” said Shenique Albury, environmental specialist attached to the Project Execution Unit. “We are bringing relief to motorists. That’s why we’re opening areas like Market Street and introducing the opening of two lanes of traffic on Prince Charles Drive.”
Paving works are presently being carried out on Market Street between Ross Corner and Duke Street. Ms. Albury informed at a news briefing Wednesday that it is anticipated that the first layer of asphalt and traffic are anticipated to be on Market Street by the end of the week.
“Under temporary traffic management two lanes of traffic will be allowed from Duke Street to Robinson Road on Market Street without diversions by March 31. At the same time two lanes of northbound traffic will resume on Baillou Hill Road from Wulff Road to Duke Street,” said Ms. Albury.
Underground works including drainage pipes and wells, street lighting, installation of new water mains and relocation of other utilities have been completed in this area.
Several sections of Prince Charles Drive have been widened to allow two-way traffic. It is anticipated that two-way traffic will be restored to the entire length of Prince Charles Drive by April 1.
“Motorists are asked to proceed with caution as sections of Prince Charles Drive will remain under active construction despite the two-lanes of traffic,” Ms. Albury said.
Paving from the rear entrance of St. Augustine’s College to Winters Drive near Breath of Life Pre-school is expected to be finished by April 1.
Stage two of road works at the intersection of Fox Hill Road and Prince Charles Drive will begin on March 30 with the closure of Fox Hill Road South between Blanco Bleach and Sandilands Village Road.
“The closure of Fox Hill Road south will allow underground work including future utility ducts, traffic signal ducts, drainage and water main tie-ins,” Ms. Albury said. “This closure is expected to last four to six weeks during which motorists can still make east and west movements on Prince Charles Drive.”
Northbound movements on Fox Hill Road South should divert through Sandilands Village Road, Maria Avenue to Pine Barron Road, College Garden Road and then Prince Charles Drive. Commonwealth Boulevard, the main entrance to Elizabeth Estates, can be used as an alternative route.
By Kathryn Campbell
Bahamas Information Services