Grenada’s Prime Minister Tillman Thomas has suggested that Grenada and the world will be better served if people were to embrace and demonstrate greater integrity, such as honesty and uprightness.
The prime minister has identified what he called an “integrity-deficit” in society.
“I believe it’s the integrity-deficit that’s the problem in the world,” Thomas said in an interview with the Government Information Services.
The prime minister, who is approaching his fourth year as the nation’s leader, is well-known for his strong moral and religious stance.
He has championed the need for a “value-driven” society, and has made the concept of “good governance, transparency and accountability” the hallmark of his National Democratic Congress (NDC) administration.
He recently confessed to division in the NDC, saying it was a fight between “the forces of good and evil” in the party.
In the GIS interview, Thomas said that he viewed life through the lens of “good and evil,” referencing a Bible passage that describes a fight taking place – not between “flesh and blood” – but against the “rulers of darkness” and against “spiritual wickedness in high places.”
Source: Caribbean News Now